You can register for a free account by clicking on the ‘login’ button above and then on ‘Register an Account’. Once you fill everything out and click on ‘Take this Course’ at the end you will have access to the course. You will also get an email where you can reset your password if you choose to (but you don’t have to).
This 20-hour course covers the fundamentals of the LSAT and consists of the foundational animated lectures that I use in my full 75-hour video course. In this course you have access to all of the materials that you’ll need to get a good foundation for this test. Each lesson and section contains videos, outline notes of the videos which you can print out (in the ‘materials’ tab), and HW/exercise sets for some of the lessons, you can still go to those pages that don’t include all the material from my full course since there will generally be explanations that you will be able to see.
If you’re interested in more information about my full 75-hour course with 1000s of actual LSAT questions, all explained, or are interested in one-on-one tutoring please click here.